Are UFOs more interested in military installations as many declare?

Are UFOs more interested in military installations as many declare? A examination in 2021 determined this to be not true. 

The findings appears to be a strong correlation between population density and unidentified flying object sightings. There are similarities within the demographic characteristics of the population. Surprisingly  data shows Alien craft sightings were frequently reported from a larger percentage of white collar workers.

UFO Map shows higher sighting reports in populated area's

Also within the counties with the highest rate of unidentified flying object sightings per one hundred thousand people. A higher population and above average income while compared to US median family earnings. 

The New Mapping Public Reports of UAPs Across America

And as well as population relocating west in a linear fashion at the same time as UFO sightings having a greater disbursed over time. Furthermore not revealing any clear concrete patterns. It maybe important to note that UFO sightings were more common further from military installations. credit Chris Rutkowski


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