On The Moreland UFO Alien Sighting Of 1959

Today in UFO History - The Moreland UFO Alien Sighting.

July 13, 1959 Blenheim, New Zealand

This 1959 UFO report is about Ms. Eileen Moreland, who lived on a farm in Blenheim, New Zealand. Ms. Moreland a 42 yrs old had been married for 19 years. She had youngsters ranging in age from pre-college to teenagers. 

She was tall with cut short, brown curly hair and thick eyebrows. It was normal for her to be up early tending to her chores. As well as milking dairy cows, she also held down a few different jobs. Locals might turn to her for advice if their cows had been ill. 

She was a nurse's aide in the neighborhood Lister Health Center. Her husband labored as a patrolman at Woodbourne Airbase about six kilometers from their home. Ms. Moreland had additionally labored there sometimes. 

On July 13, 1959, at 5:30 a.m. Moreland Soon after she entered her barn to tend to her cows she sees a huge UFO object. She describes this craft as being about 20–30 feet in diameter, with two intense green lights on its underside.

The object descends towards her and hovers at rooftop height bathing her in green light. Two rows of exhausts around the middle of the object shoot out orange flames. To her amazement She can see two beings inside, one being was missing his left hand.

Grey Alien Face 

These human-like beings were dressed in close-fitting suits of shiny material and opaque helmets. The exhausts turn on again, the object tilts, and it rises up vertically at great speed, making a high-pitched sound. Her claims of a massive craft descending from the sky and hovering above her. 

Her assertion became complete with dazzling detail which attracted the attention of the nearby Air Force base. The Air Force Official took her report critically. They assigned an investigator who interviewed Moreland and discovered her to be credible. And they found others in Blenheim who had seen comparable lighting. credit Jeff Knox FB. More UFO News Updates and New UFO articles here at NYUFO.com


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