Exclusive Look On The Alien UFO Hive Mind

What if you could communicate with somebody without saying a word? This form of communication, telepathy really, would streamline our ability to share thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Telepathy sounds like the stuff of fantasy books and movies, but the technology is actually relatively close to being available for our use, ethical issues aside. Some schools of thought believe our hive mind already exists without invasive technological intervention.

alien hive telepathic communication

The Global Consciousness Project, for example, as well as some spiritual and religious groups, believe in a sense of connectedness we are all party to whether we desire it or not, a collective consciousness that drives our motivations and actions.

Brain-Chip company, Neuralink, aims to merge the brain with artificial intelligence, not only to develop life-changing medical applications for people with spinal cord injuries and neurological disorders but, eventually, for everyone, to create a kind of hive mind. —Sue Halpern, The New York Review of Books, 8 Apr. 2021.

Communication with possible UFO Aliens has been a subject of intense interest and exploration not only in the minds of researchers but also in the general public at large. Serious applications through the establishment of search agencies like SETI have failed to yield convincing results to date, which may be due to constraints at the technological or conceptual level or both. However, the quest continues, and with ever-increasing technological advancements, we may succeed in our endeavor in the near future. Continue to read about  Exclusive Look On The Alien UFO Hive Mind here


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