UFO Streaking Across Moon Video 2021

What can I say Florida is the hotbed for UFO activity. This is probably my 10th UFO Sighting report. I decided to point my Nikon p530 at the moon because other people had been catching odd things on the surface of the moon, long behold as I was trying to straighten my tripod and left it recording I caught multiple UFOs crossing the moon. Some were bugs obviously those were easy to rule out. But the footage shown shows an orb-like UFO streaking in front of the moon, I have additional footage of other objects, but this one caught my eye the most. I have attached a quick movie and also a slow-motion video. mufon cms# 118211 Land O Lakes Florida 9/24/21. This Region has had 6,090 Reported UFO UAP Sightings to date.


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