Weird Glowing UFO Reported Over Scotland UK

This UFO Sighting came from east to west. I noticed the UFO had two red lights above and below it's body. It was emitting a green glow from it's center windows or body. This never changed depth or color, but was constant. I could see the red lights blinking in tandem with each other. I observed this UFO through my kitchen window, I proceeded to open it thinking it was an helicopter, but this was far two late at night. I didn't hear any sound coming from it. It continued to travel across my view, and behind the block of 11 story flats, expecting it to appear out at the other end of the behind the flats, but to my surprise, it didn't. I presume it altered course and went off at an angle behind the flats and out of my line of view. I tried beaming my laser light at it, but change my mind and dnt continue to do. mufon cms# 114710 Wishaw Scotland UK 4/11/21 Region has had 288 Reported UFO Sightings to date. Interested in reading more strange UFO Sightings reports & more click on link


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