Multiple UFO Sightings beginning February 2021 caught on video

I would like to preface this with the fact that I am 30 years old I work offshore in the gulf of Mexico so I drive 12 hours to work and I am on a ship for 30+ days I return for 2 weeks just north of Lawton Oklahoma where I reside. I do not believe in aliens I am a Christian so the idea of other life seemed unlikely but that aside I cannot deny what I seen/filmed. February 23 2021 I was home playing an online game when I took a break to go outside I live by a lake pretty secluded so I go outside for number 1 you can figure that out and while doing my business I happened to be looking at the clear sky looking at the classic Oklahoma sky when I noticed a star much brighter than any I'd ever seen. At first I thought maybe a planet but before I could even finish the thought it moved. I do not have perfect eye sight unless I have my contacts in (just after this I was required to do a physical for my job which included a vision test 20/20 with contacts) and I was wearing them so I could clearly see this thing moving around in odd patters. Still in disbelief at what I was watching I went inside and grabbed my I-pad 2020 which I have in a stand and brought it outside and propped it up on my sister in laws car. there was absolutely no wind which is rare in Oklahoma but I began filming this thing. the I-pad is completely stationary so I went inside still not quite convinced at what I was seeing. I returned approximately 30 min later and took the I-pad inside to see what I had captured. So my utter disbelief this pulsating orb was objectively moving, while the I-pad unfortunately was not catching the minor abrupt movements that I was seeing with the naked eye but it did capture the overall flight path of the object which went from directly south to the west over a period of about 3 1/2 hours before disappearing over the western horizon. I took multiple videos with both my I-pad and I-phone simultaneously over the course of the next few weeks in which I witnessed more objects some glowing pure orange, some seem to have a rotating or pulsating red, white, yellow, and sometimes blue lights. I cannot stress how real this is and my footage will prove that to anyone who will listen. I have detailed sightings in the gulf of Mexico with videos as well which as far stranger than what I witnessed here. if you read this thank you for taking the time I am sorry it is so long but people deserve to know these things are real and active. to anyone with any interest I know where the original orb is every night. It does not always appear in the same part of the sky but I have consistently seen this every night. anyone who I have shown it too cannot explain it. UFO Sighting Video Link  mufon cms# 114527 Carnegie Oklahoma 4/03/21 Read more interesting UFO News Sightings & more here


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