UFO Sighting Abduction Implant in nose reported

From 2016 to now starting in San Francisco ca to Memphis Tenn. to Cape Coral Fla. UFOs follow me everywhere I go. It started in 2016 in California. I was a truck driver and out of nowhere I started seeing light orbs everywhere in my house I felt a presence and I could smell them every time they came around. My nose started hurting so I ripped inside out my nose had no idea why it was hurting then I pulled this implant out my nose. It was still attached to my membrane so I couldn't remove it completely. When I had it dangling is when I first saw aliens. They came right then and abducted me again to reinstall this implant. After this in 2018 valentine's day 5 aliens came to my friends window and tried talking to me but they sounded like birds. My friend saw this they was there over an hour. We recorded it but when viewing it it was nothing but static. The UFO is outside my house right now. The military fly huge airplane looking drones over my house all the time so they knew they were here. I can give the location of 3 different spots they flew drones over me. mufon cms# 113857 Florida U.S 11/16/20 reported on 2/26/21. Region has had 5,854 Reported UFO Alien Sightings to date.


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