Weird UFO that moved like a hummingbird Reported

I was out having a cigarette on my porch. I saw a bright star I've never seen before. Then it got brighter and bluer. And from a stand still it moved to the right at a fast pace faster than anything I've ever seen. Then the UFO hovered and started to move erratically in circles, stopping maligning right angle or sharper turns and abruptly changing direction. I did take notice that it would increase in brightness every time it would go from a stand still to moving. We have three videos two from a i-phone, one from a S9 the i-phone ones definitely needs brightening and my phones video is pretty bad as I'm a horrible cameraman but you can see it move behind the tree and then change direction suddenly to leave. In my life I've always watched the sky, I've seen jets, copters, balloons, Chinese lanterns and other things so when I saw this it completely left me at a loss. After tonight I'm a firm believer. Springfield MA 6/23/2020 For more interesting UFO News click here


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