I Was Abducted by Aliens Twice

20 years ago my mother lived in the same house she was also abducted twice at the same time. I was not asleep. I saw very bright lights through my window where no cars would be able to travel. Our house bordered 100's of acres of forest service in the middle of a mountain away from everything. Dogs and children hated that property I was renting the home owner was building their dream home and abruptly left and the reasoning didn't make sense until we were abducted.

I was trying to have a baby. I had one still born child and 3 miscarriages at this point. After the Alien abduction I was able to conceive and have healthy children. After being in my bed entirely awake but unable to move and realizing what was happening I had the strongest unexplained feeling like nothing I ever experienced, that they were here to help me and I should not be scared it was stronger than intuition or any 6th sense. I felt my body being put back together, almost like I was taken through the ceiling atom by atom then put back together atom by atom. I knew that they would be back in 2 days and they did come back. same thing, bright lights, loss of time, extreme feelings of comfort and loss of body movement beyond being scared stiff. I could not scream although I tried very hard.

We moved shortly after these Alien abductions never tested soil or such. Back then I was terrified to talk to anyone about this or come forward except my mom because she experienced the same thing. I believe they took her on accident. She had a hysterectomy and her experience was not as in depth as mine was. although she had the same overwhelming peaceful message feeling as I did. She also felt that they were interested in our reproduction capabilities. I felt like not only did that fix me so I could have children but I also feel like took my eggs. I was abducted during my ovulation time also. The Aliens I witnessed were Gray with very Large Eyes and extremely Long Arms and Fingers. They didn't speak to me or the other being a through vocal words. It was through mind to mind thought sharing of some kind hard to explain. Since the abduction I have seen a few strange things in the starts at night that changed flight patterns and bolted off in another direction that was flying was to fast to be anything I can explain. mufon cms#109270 Kila Montana U.S 6/9/99


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