Cylinder Shaped UFO orange glow on edges reported

Uber driver dropping off customer at his house. I was helping him with his things in the trunk. I noticed a cylinder shaped UFO Sighting in the sky. UFO was glowing orange on the outer edges of the UFO Sighting. The tail area looked to be more hot and glowing. It went behind a palm tree and I raced to the other side but it was gone. I told my customer what I had seen. He then said is that smoke came from the UFO in the sky, it was a small cloud of smoke. He took a photo but I don't have it. There was no other clouds in that a re earthquake of the sky. I called the sheriff's office soon after and reported it to them. It may have been some kind of space debris that cam into back to earth.I found it strange I did not see it on the other side of the palm tree. I only watched the UFO for about 1 second. MUFON CMS# 107332 Fort Myer's Florida USA 3/29/20 This Region has 5,491 Reported UFO Sightings to date.


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