Several fireball UFOs seen by husband and wife in Arizona 7/9/19

My husband and I were driving through the desert on our way home from Flagstaff and I looked up and saw probably six fireball-type UFO lights in the sky and I pointed at them and asked my husband if he could see those, too. He said they were definitely there, I wasn’t just imagining things. These UFOs were circular, in a mostly straight line, but a couple of them were a little higher than the other ones. Once one UFO disappeared, another UFO would appear on the other side. We saw it for a few seconds, and it disappeared. One light went out, then the next, and so on until it was all out, but that happened within like a second. It went out as soon as I told my husband to grab his phone and take a video, as if it could hear us, or see us. So, since it disappeared, we forgot about the phone for a moment and talked about what we just saw and it came up again, doing the same thing, only a shorter amount of time that time.


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