Oval shaped UFO bottom portion glowing top part dark to black 2017

Saw this UFO on the evening of December 24th 2017, Universal City, Texas. At around 8:30 pm, I took my dogs outside and continued to watch over them. Then, in the west corner of my yard, I spotted an eerily bright light, peeking through the trees. I walked towards it in order to take a closer look, and it seemed to me an obviously bizarre, horizontal crescent shape. On closer inspection it looked to be a solid oval shaped UFO with its bottom half glowing. Even though by instinct I knew it was not a normal light, I began to reason that it was probably a street light in the distance. The UFO at this point (to my view), was below the tree line. I then proceeded to disregard it for a whole 10 minutes while I was in the yard. Probably not the best idea. I did keep partial watch over it, though. I observed that it was completely still and silent. Didn't move a centimeter from my view, and made absolutely no noise. Even though it gave off a very bright light, the brightness seemed contained, so it didn't light up anything around it. After about ten minutes of walking and dancing (hey, I was bored) around the yard, I let my dogs back inside the house. I took my eyes off of the UFO for about 30 seconds while in my house. I was still very curious about this bright UFO so, I walked back outside and made a beeline to the area I saw it before. Right then, I saw something above me, from the corner of my eye. I looked up, and while I wasn't looking the UFO had moved across half my yard and was now in the sky high up above the tree line. It was also much closer to me now. Scared the hell out of me. It was even then very still, and emitted no noise. I pulled out my phone and took two pictures of it. The first turned out clear, but there seems to be another light in the picture, no idea what that is. Also, even though to my eye the illuminated part of the UFO appeared to be crescent shaped, my phone picked it up to be a different shape. When I tried to take a second photo, the UFO on my screen turned to a full glowing circle, and then my whole phone screen lit up white. That photo came out black. I assumed it didn't want me to take pictures, and since I was also thoroughly freaked out and alone, I rushed back inside. I checked after two minutes to see if it was gone. It was. I had no idea how large the UFO was, and had no reference points to gauge its distance from me. I think that it was possibly watching me, since it only moved when I briefly went inside. mufon cms# 90058 photo just shows light.


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