Photo was being taken of the Moon then this UFO zoomed into the view 7/1/17 Cooper City Florida

My mom was the witness and I'm reporting this event for her. She was in her backyard taking photos of the moon as it sat nicely just beyond the palm trees in her backyard. As she focused and snapped the first photo of the moon, she noticed a light zoom into view for a second or less as if the object got into place to be viewed in the photo. This happened so quick that the UFO appeared for that photo and then disappeared. She did not see any other movements except for the time it zoomed into place. It happened so fast that it was an accident on her part. After zooming on the photo I noticed a very bright white light lining the entire outside edge of what seems to be a disc shaped UFO. Also, above the lights you can see a dark sloping outline and below the lights there seems to be some kind of UFO protruding out with more lights on it. The UFO could be upside down. The UFO Sighting seemed to be above the clouds when viewing the photo so it is difficult to guess on the size. mufon cms# 84752


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