Three star like UFOs vibrating changing colors Overland park KS US 8/27/16

My father called on my phone to alert me to the first UFO which was about 250 degrees south west and two finger widths above the tree line. Pulsating through white, blue, yellow, red, orange, green, purple (VERY BRIGHT), then blue very quickly. A finger width to the left another star-like UFO with the same color pattern but pulsating at less than half the speed. Looked to the NWest at 306 degrees and saw another UFO with the same color pattern but Vibrating. Another star-like UFO would separate to the left of it then move back into the original UFO. The first two UFOs moved quickly behind the trees (5 mins or less) but the last UFO that separated stayed above the trees but faded away. Checked with an astronomy application on my phone before they disappeared to make sure I wasn't seeing stars or supernovas blinking out but nothing showed up in the areas these were, except for the tail of Ursa Major which was easily seen by me. MUFON CMS# 78746 


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