Rectangle UFO Sighting Photo over Niagara Falls 7-12-16

I just wanted to write you tonight and let you know of a UFO sighting that happened in Niagara Falls on Tuesday June 12th 2016. I am a Bellman at one of the major hotels right near the falls. During one of my many routine luggage calls yesterday (the day of the event), I happened to look out the window of the 43rd floor while waiting for the elevator. From this vantage point one can see most of the Niagara Region and even Toronto on the distant shores of Lake Ontario. This was the direction that I was looking when I noticed two large Rectangles that would almost pass for solar panels hovering in the sky. As I watched them, the alternately bobbed up and down, crossed paths and then slowly drifted apart. I watched them, trying to figure out what they were for a few more minutes before they once again began to drift back together. At this point they appeared to be over Niagara on the Lake, a town about 20 miles kilometers away, and still were very visible in the sky which means they must have been quite big. I left to go back down to work and informed another bellman to look out the window during his next call. He did so and came back astonished and unable to explain what he saw.
Later in the day, a co-worker called us from a different part of the city letting us know he just saw the same UFO and snapped a few pictures of it. I have attached one of the photos below. A few hours later another co-worker walked into the building exclaiming he saw a UFO while driving to work. When we asked him what he saw he recounted an almost identical report of the objects we had viewed earlier in the day. This morning I noticed that a report has been created with MUFON by a person living in St. Catharine's (another near by city) and once again, the report details the exact object that we all witnessed. Whether it was Aliens or a secret government UFO craft I can't be sure. All I know is that I look to the skies every day, seeing helicopters and planes flying over the falls... But I have never, ever seen anything like this before. MUFON CMS# 77694


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