Fear Factor of UFO Aliens Muslims

UFO Signs:

J Burkes MD.

On this holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ known as "the prince of peace" we should ponder the significance of the December 5th statement by the president of Liberty University promoting concealed weapons as an answer to the threat of Islamist terrorists. Before an audience of thousands of students he shared the information that he was carrying a pistol with him and he urged them to do the same.

The notion that more guns will address security questions around terrorism, or crime for that matter, is I believe sadly misguided. His statement does however give us a measure of the great fear that millions of people are feeling faced with the reality that for the rest of our lives we are likely going to see continued terrorist attacks inspired by the desire to establish a world wide Islamic state. This philosophy is called Islamism and it is promoted by powerful nations like Saudi Arabia and Iran. The refusal of both liberal and conservative politicians to identify this philosophy as a significant cause of terrorism unfortunately leaves the extreme right to be the only voice that millions of frightened Americans are hearing that links terrorism to dangerous trends within Islam.

Undoubtedly the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the US and Western Europe want nothing to do with terrorism and to say that all Muslims are the problem is a vicious distortion of the facts. Nevertheless we need to have our political leaders do more to promote democratic reform in Islam majority countries that have an abysmal human rights record when it comes to the oppression of women, homosexuals, those that leave the Islamic faith and free thinkers that question the existence of God. Our leaders could do far more to assist those enlightened Islamic democratic reformers that must “win the hearts of Islam” if there is to be peace and an end to terrorism.

For over two decades I have worked with small groups of contact activists attempting to establish limited communication and cooperation with the intelligence responsible for the UFO phenomenon. The so-called ETs in science fiction productions are mostly portrayed as evil abductors who often want nothing more than the complete subjection or destruction of Earth. Currently increasing numbers of people are willing to contemplate the reality of flying saucers and the ET hypothesis as an explanation for the phenomenon. As long as the government, the media and academia can maintain that there is "nothing to UFOs" the issue can be kept in the realm of speculation and sci-fi fantasy.

However if measures to compel a disclosure of the reality of flying saucers are successful without adequate preparation, I am convinced that we will see an opening of the floodgates of fear that will dwarf the current panic that inspires university president to tell his students to arm themselves.

Disclosure under the current world conditions will likely end in a massive buildup of space based weapons, the use of xenophobia to build right wing political campaigns, and perhaps even lead to increased and unnecessary armed conflict with an intelligence that has been here in my judgment for centuries if not for millennium.

I am convinced that only under conditions of planetary cooperation based on social justice will we be able to properly address burning challenges like Islamist terrorism, but also the high probability that flying saucers represent a technology of an advanced non-human intelligence.

If UFO enthusiasts, researchers and contact activists want disclosure of an ET presence under conditions that won’t be exploited to promote conflict, then we will need to break out of the UFO subculture and establish dialog with broad segments of world’s peoples. We will need to promote peace and social justice as preconditions for a cooperative relationship with flying saucer intelligence not based on the exploitation of fear for unworthy political and economic goals.


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